Honoring Tanya Rodriguez-Hodges during Hispanic Heritage Month 2018


Tanya Rodriguez-HodgesTanya Rodriquez-Hodges is known for the signature flower in her hair, but her most beautiful blooms grow in the hearts of the families she helps every day across our state. Tanya is the founder and Executive Director of Latino Communications Community Development Corporation, a nonprofit 501c3 organization headquartered in Columbia, SC. She is focused and determined to increase capacity and create community-based solutions that remove language, cultural and economic barriers, by building effective partnerships across sectors and providing bilingual education and outreach programs including Language Services, Financial Literacy, Pathways to Homeownership, Family Caregiver Support, Health Literacy, Healthcare Education & Preventive Care Services, Arts & Cultural and Community Outreach. Everyone knows her for her heart through the work she does…as she humbly stays away from all self-promotion, shining the light on the needs of others.